The Closing Corner: Insights & Innovations in Canadian Real Estate Law

Welcome to "the closing corner", your go-to resource for the latest insights and innovations in Canadian real estate law. Here, we explore legal trends, offer expert advice, and share valuable resources.

Welcome to "the closing corner", your go-to resource for the latest insights and innovations in Canadian real estate law. Here, we explore legal trends, offer expert advice, and share valuable resources.

Can I write my own Will?

While it can be hard to think about the end of your life, preparing a will is an important step for making sure that your…

The Personal Representative of Your Will

If you have a will in Ontario, you will choose someone that you trust to be the executor of your will. This person is also…

APS: Everything You’ve Ever Wanted to Know (Agreements of Purchase and Sale)

As if buying or selling a home in Ontario isn't complicated enough, now your lawyer wants any agreements of purchase and sale you signed. That's…

Buy Fire and Flood Insurance

Buy Fire and Flood Insurance Your home and assets are worth protecting.  Home insurance is such a small part of the price of home ownership,…

What is Property Title?

Property title is the legal term for the registered owner of real property. People listed on title legally own and have the right to occupy…

Power of Sale

Defaulting on a mortgaged property has consequences. If you’re worried can banks foreclose during COVID-19, here’s our legal advice. Banks can foreclose if you lose…

Liability of Home Inspectors

Buyers are often concerned that the house they are purchasing is laden with problems, and they as the new homeowners will be burdened with the…

What is a Construction Lien?

The Construction Lien Act (Ontario) is designed to protect contractors and the trades who work for them by providing a registered interest against land which…

Chattels Versus Fixtures

You may have heard the terms chattel and fixture thrown around by an Ontario real estate lawyer or agent, but what do these terms actually…

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